Tuesday 27th May 2014- The Guardian: America’s mental health care crisis: families left to fill the void of a broken system

‘The first instalment in a series on the state of mental health care in the US finds a system grossly insufficient to handle demand, leaving many patients, and their caregivers, to fend for themselves’.


Wednesday 21st May 2014- The Independent: NHS in the red: Hospitals forced to beg Government for equipment loans and electricity bills

Facing huge debts, the NHS is forced to ask for bailout government loans to resurface, with 15 loan requests having been made in February and March 2014 as ’65 NHS trusts in England are already in financial deficit’.

These financial issues are also bringing to light the effects of the budget cuts and NHS debts as hospitals claim equipment is beyond effectiveness, and that electricity is being threatened to be cut off some hospitals.

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